What is an earthquake construction and what are the materials used in this type of work?

The construction and anti-seismic structures are those that will allow us to withstand earthquakes with much greater superiority of resistance, for which the engineers entrusted to the construction of housing have taken into account some primordial details to make them more invulnerable to these circumstances.

The anti-seismic construction includes all buildings and infrastructures built to withstand seismic movements without collapsing.
Elements for an earthquake construction
The choice of building materials depends on the availability, knowledge and local experiences related to the construction and acceptance of the population. The most commonly used building materials are concrete, steel and wood. It is intended that the damages are the least possible not to have to demolish the building after the earthquake.

The buildings must have a reinforced concrete structure with columns at the corners and at the edges of the spans, connected with the upper chain, as well as with the foundation. A variant to construct a rigid wall without deformations during the earthquake, is to connect the corners of the walls with tensors forming a crossing.

In other countries that suffer from earth movements, they have designed a system of insulation blocks in the foundations allowing the floor to move but the building does not. The insulation of bases is increasingly used in new constructions.
There is a technique called quincha, originally from Peru, used since pre-Hispanic times. This technique improves the proportion of sand, clay and vegetal fiber for the clay of the walls with a thickness of 10 cm has a behavior similar to the brick and concrete of 20 cm of thickness.

The tapial technique consists of filling a formwork with layers of soil of 10 to 15 cm compacting each of them with a tamper. The formwork is composed of two separate parallel planks, joined by a transom. Through these slots go through reed rods. In this system the walls are reinforced by integrated abutments, intermediate and in the corners.

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